About Us
About Us
We are a volunteer organization with people from all over the world. It is our love for the Whole, for All Life Forms on this planet, that propels us forward to live in a sacred manner that honors this One Life. We can only do this together, in a connected, inclusive way.
In a practical sense, we at the Web of Life Foundation are utilizing educational outreach that includes videos and photography that is illustrating our interconnectedness. We visit schools and the larger community, including ranching, farming, recreational and hunting communities to talk about coexistence between wilderness and civilization and how we can all thrive in the web of life. Our educational videos underscore the significance of this approach to life and show working examples of thriving communities.
We also conduct workshops on reconnecting with wild animals and lands and our own wild nature inside of ourselves: "Comfort in wilderness" offers a way to connect to wild animals and wild lands with the heart in a harmless, undefended, fearless and loving way.
By Elke Duerr, educational outreach director:
“I’m doing many educational outreach presentations in the schools with the children of ranchers. I think it’s very important not to make their parents wrong if they practice predator control. Instead I ask them, “What would you do if you got the ranch? How would you do things differently?” I always find much love in children for all beings wild and, by affirming that, not making them wrong for loving wild animals, there is a lot of opening. At lunch, at recess, many come to me and tell me that they have seen a wolf or a bear, and how wonderful that was. There is a sense of real wonder in them and they ask the right questions. They see how everything goes together. In Colorado after an outreach talk, a student came and gave me a drawing of the Pegasus wolf—a wolf with wings.”