Mateo impersonating a bear breaking into a chicken coop
This past summer I was camped in the forest when my "neighbor" came over to let me know that we had a "problem bear" in the area. He had left his cooler out with many "sweet treats" in it overnight and the bear got into it. The bear now, as I knew from my experience in the field was habituated to human food and would go and try to find it in my camp and everybody else's. I hence went to make the rounds to inform everybody in my broader viciniy to keep a tight camp, namely to not leave (dog) food around and to secure their little dogs at night inside their trailer. And to lock any door that had food behind it. 😊
That night, the bear came to my camp and growled next to my tent, most likely he (and I later confirmed that it was a he becasue I saw him during the daytime) was frustrated with me keeping a tight ship and not even leaving a crumb out and locking everything into my car and "demanded" human food. I am an interspecies communicator and attempted to communicate with him that it was summer and there was plenty of nutritious 'wild bear food" around, much better for him than the donuts that he had tasted, but to no avail. He was already habituated to human food which acts like a drug to them and kept on foraging for people food at my other neighbor's camp who also kept a tight ship. A few weeks later he was in the news as he had bit another camper in my then available campsite, yet again looking for people food and there was a warrant out for his arrest. "Wanted, dead or alive" for supposedly being a "problem bear". I know from experience that this could have been avoided and that it is much more likely to have experiences like this one from one of my many amicable bear encounters because I was awake, alert, conscious and informed:
"My attention fully belonged to my surroundings, I was awake and conscious of everything going on around me ... A rustling in the bushes next to the road I was slowly cruising along on my bike caught my heightened attention. Spontaneously, right from my heart, I said out loud: “Whoever you are, dear one, please show yourself to me. There’s no reason to be afraid of me. This is your home and I respect it.” I had barely uttered the last syllable, when the head of a bear popped up right next to me. He stood up on his hind legs to get a better look at me becasue bears do not have good eye sight. I stopped dead in my tracks. What a beautiful bear! What a beautiful soul. “I love you!” I exclaimed. “Thank you for being here with us on this earth. You are important and you matter.” There was no reason to panic or behave irrationally just because there was a bear right next to me. Instead, I kept exuding my love for this animal. And hence the bear did not have to defend himself from me. In all my remaining years on this planet, I will never forget the look he gave me. Such an intelligent gaze, so full of brightness and with a twinkle that lit up the forest. I slowly kept pedaling away from him as I did not want to milk this situation for my own gain, namely to take pictures or try to get closer or in any way, shape or form to jeopardize his or my safety ... "
This is exactly the purpose of this video fun-raiser: To bring awareness and consciousness about who bears truly are to the public and to do so with humor, joy and fun. Please be a part of this project and lend us your support in any way, shape or form that you can. So far we have several bear impersonators reinacting bear behavior and a sponsor for film equipment. Could use a couple of trail cameras, production and post production costs coverage, and outreach expenses. See video embedded above. ❤️😊 We thank you! Thank you very much, dankeschoen, tak, merci, gracias, grazie, hvala, dankschoe, asante sana, mahalo, dank je, takk, salamat, spasibo, obrigado, kiitos and all the other languages of this wonderful world. I hope that google did not lead me on a wild goose chase when I googled some of these words. Please do let me know if I have missed the mark with one of the languages and know that you are appreciated, if I have mentioned your language here or not.